Making Images Easy!


Film Making and Photography at its Finest

Hostile Environment Training - Day 2


We all slept in today! Woke up later than expected! Our first class was on water purification which was really interesting because I never knew that was there was different methods such as chemical (tablets) mechanical ( pump) and sedimentation. Later in the morning we made some soda bread without the use of milk which was very interesting and very tasty. We mainly made the bread for the lecturer's of our course coming to visit the camp. While they were here we gave them a tour of camp and they were very impressed.After lunch we did a map exercise on how to orientate the map. We had a task to follow the map to find two signs that are on the campus.Pat sat us down and had a talk about self care. Which was very interesting because I didn't know mosquito's also bite at night. Another bit of advice was to wash/dry from head to toe which prevents spreading of athletes foot. That was all the classes we had today.