Making Images Easy!


Film Making and Photography at its Finest



This is the blog section to my website!On the blog I will be posting updates of projects I am working on!The shop which will be selling photos, should be up and running very soon. In the shop we have  PayPal and other methods for paying for your photos, this will make ordering as easy as possible. Please allow up to two weeks for process and delivery of the images.Current projects:Life in the Peaks This is a 5 minute documentary about a Mountain biker called Jack the film follows why he does the sport and how his life revolves around it. The film is for the documentary module as part of my final year at uni.Editing has started on the project and the first half of the film is completed. The final edit for the film will start on the 11th of December and should be completed by end of the week.Any more updates will be posted on this blog. I hope you like my website!